LETTER FROM OUR CEO: “Protect our youth”

Just last April, a new state law took effect which lowered the age of adults to 17 years old for criminal offenses. Nearly one year later, a proposed amendment could expand the court’s ability to send minors to adult prisons for any offense. This action will be determined by whether or not we, as voters, show up to the polls and make our voices heard.

While there are a total of four amendments for voters to either support or oppose, Amendment 3 specifically will determine whether the Louisiana Legislature has the authority to determine crimes for trying juveniles as adults. As it stands right now, the state constitution already has a specific list of violent crimes for children under the age of 17 to be tried as adults, including murder, manslaughter, rape, armed robbery, kidnapping and repeat offenses for crimes like burglary or aggravated battery. Supporting this amendment would take that list out of the constitution and could allow children to be sentenced as adults for any infraction such as making a fake ID or stealing a phone.

These laws that continuously target children make the essential services that we provide in Operation Girls even more crucial. We create a safe space for justice-impacted girls to empower them rather than punish them. We understand the unique challenges they face, and by offering mentorship, academic support, advocacy and leadership opportunities, we are helping young women develop life and leadership skills to help them thrive.

Voting is a right and a responsibility that, unfortunately, was not always given to everyone. Therefore, I strongly encourage everyone to exercise their right to vote. An overall low voter turnout is anticipated for this important election, which will have an even greater impact on our communities.

This is our opportunity to recognize the value and power of our individual and collective voices and do our part to protect the fate of our children’s future.

In Solidarity,

Syrita Steib

Founder, President & CEO

Operation Restoration


LETTER FROM OUR CEO: “The Attack on Human Rights”