Derek Myles

Bail Disruptor

Derek is a Bail Disruptor at Operation Restoration and helps manage the Safety and Freedom Fund, a community bail fund that posts the full cash bail amount on behalf of people who are incarcerated solely because they are too poor to afford bail.

Derek comes to Operation Restoration with eight years of experience at the Criminal Clerk’s Office, where he first learned about the organization. In his time there, he witnessed first-hand how one mistake could change people’s future. He believes that a person’s past shouldn’t define their future and that mistakes are to be learned from and not a sentence on who you are. Born and raised in Gert Town, Derek is a loving father of two children and his mother’s caretaker. He is excited to be a part of the Safety and Freedom Fund and brings his passion and experience to the team.


LaToya Louis, Bail Support Services


John F. Lawson II, Communications Coordinator