Operation Advocacy

Creates local, state and federal policies that support the removal of barriers to improve the lives of formerly and currently incarcerated women in Louisiana and nationwide.

Legislative Advocacy


Operation Restoration writes and advocates for the passage of city, state and federal legislation that benefit formerly and currently incarcerated women.


Unlock Higher Ed


OR is a founding member of the Unlock Higher Ed Coalition, a broad group of stakeholders interested in policy solutions to increase educational access for individuals with criminal convictions.




OR supports clemency campaigns for women by participating in individual hearings in the state of Louisiana and amplifying federal clemency campaigns to increase awareness.


Bridging the Gap Symposia


Annual convening that focuses on different issues impacting formerly and currently incarcerated women. Every year, the symposia addresses different issues faced by this population.


Legislative Taskforce on Women’s Incarceration


OR was pivotal in establishing the LA Taskforce on Women’s Incarceration. The Taskforce creates policy solutions to address issues that women and their families face in the Louisiana prison system.

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Operation Education


Operation Arts